Keeping track of different projects has become challenging--I have a million ideas and at least 10 of these at any time are works-in-progress. But my notes! They are all over the house (if I'm lucky, and haven't recycled them, having used them for shopping lists or noting phone numbers). Plus, I doodle a lot in the little notebook I keep in my purse, but those pages are quite small compared with regular sheets of paper. Periodically I've tried to corral them into file folders or plastic sleeves, which kind of work OK but are a bit unwieldy. And it is clear that WIELDY is what I need more than anything.
Ta da! My solution: little project journals! Cheap and portable--university exam blue books with a bit of construction paper to tart them up. One per project. I can paste in my doodles, tape in yarn samples, write down my intentions--and they fit easily into my knitting baskets and totes. Best of all: everything is in one place! I like that they aren't dear or precious, two qualities that can freeze me up right away.
What are blue books? They are little books made of about 4 sheets of regular paper folded and stapled into a mini-book. They're often used for college exams. They're flimsy and unlovely BUT--they cost about 35 cents.
I got the general idea from Lisa Sonora Beam, the author of a wonderful book, Creative Entrepreneur, and an equally inspirational blog. Her expressive way of approaching problem solving through journals fits really well with the inspiration journals I already keep. She makes mini-journals out of greeting cards--genius! I highly recommend her blog.
Find something that works for you!
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